Who We Are.


Our Vision & Mission

At New Life Christian Ministries we're ALL about Jesus and His mission!

Our Vision is simple: We want to take as many people to Heaven with us as possible.

Our Mission, then, is to reach Roanoke Virginia for Jesus, one friend or family member at a time.

New Life was founded in 1910 and has continued on for the last 114 years boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus in Roanoke, the surrounding areas, and beyond! We started as a part of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) and are still faithful members to this day.

At present, we are seeking to expand everything we can for Jesus. We are expand in reaching the community, we are expanding in physical space (buildings) in order to minister to the community, but more than anything we are expanding in our knowledge and commitment to our Lord Jesus. No one can fully understand the weight of what Jesus has done for us, but to the level that we do understand it we are moved to move! For this reason, we are seeking to be everything the Lord is asking us to be and being careful to make sure that, in our eagerness to please Him, we still humbly follow Him in everything that we do.

We are excited about what God has planned. We know that the world can look dark, evil, and even daunting to be a part of these days. However, we believe that is only because it isn’t being viewed in the right “Light.” By that we mean, THE Light of the World – Jesus (Jn 8:12). The future is not bleak, it is glorious. It is not lost, it’s already won (Rev 19). As believers, DISCIPLES, of Jesus, every step forward on the timeline is a step closer to eternity with Jesus. We have nothing to fear. We are filled with the Holy Spirit of God, led and empowered by Him, to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth and nothing that happens in the earth will stop that, should the saints just KEEP GOING! So, that’s what we’re going to do here at New Life.

What We Believe.



God is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe (a). He eternally exists as “one-in-three persons” (Trinity): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (b). However, these three are one substance of eternal being, equal in holiness, justice, wisdom, power, and dignity. God is the Divine Source of Life and the Sustainer of all Life. He is the Absolute Authority for our lives and Righteous Judge of all people. He is described in the Bible as Light, Love, and Life, our God is the one true God and has provided the way for us to live forever through a relationship with Him made available through Jesus.

(a) Gen 1:1, Psalm 104:24

(b) Matt 28:19, Duet. 6:4, 2 Cor. 13:14

(c) Jn 1:4-5, Jn 8:12, 1st Jn 5:11-12


Jesus Christ is at the center of everything (a). We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the promised Messiah as talked about through the Old Testament (b). He was with God in the beginning (co-existing) and also is God (co-equal and 2nd Person of the Trinity). However, He became a human being and was born of a virgin so as to enter the World as a man and become our sacrifice for sin having lived a sinless (perfect) life (c). He died on the cross in our place in order to reconcile or reinstate humanity with God, because our sin separates us from God (d). His sacrifice allowed us to have a “relationship” with God just like it was intended to be when we were created.

However, Jesus’ story doesn’t end there. After being dead for three days, proving that He did indeed die, He arose from the dead (resurrection), demonstrating His power over sin and death (e). After this, He returned to the “right hand” of God in Heaven’s glory (ascension). Now, someday He will come again (just as He promised) to take His people home to heaven, verifying to all that He is indeed the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Needless to say, then, Jesus was serious when He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”(h) We believe that the only path to Heaven is through Jesus. Apart from Him there is no path to Heaven or to be reconnected to God; our original purpose as Human beings.

(a) Col. 1:15-20

(b) Matt. 16:16, Jn 20:31

(c) Jn 1:1-3, Phil 5:2-7, Matt 1:18-23, Heb 4:15

(d) Rom 5:6-11, 2nd Cor 5:18-21

(e) Matt 28:1-10, Acts 2:22-24

(f) Acts 1:9-11, Eph 1:20-21

(g) Matt 24:30-31, 1st Thess 4:16-17, Rev 19:11-16

(h) Jn 14:6

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a personal entity who we refer to as the “Third person of the Trinity” that is God. So, the Holy Spirit, like God the Father and God the Son, has been present since the beginning and is co-equal in stature because He is God (a). Furthermore, We believe that He is present in the world today just as He has been since the beginning and is intimately present within the heart of every Christian person (b). When someone places their trust in Jesus, making Him the Lord and Savior of their Life (Salvation), we believe this to be the moment that a person receives the Holy Spirit (c). From that point forward, the Holy Spirit is our source for the power and ability to live righteously and to serve God (d). Moreover, He gives us the comfort and encouragement that brings peace regardless of our circumstances and helps us understand spiritual truths.

Beyond this, we believe in the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” We believe this to be a separate experience from the initial receiving of the Holy Spirit at Salvation, but that it can happen just after receiving Salvation. What makes the baptism of the Holy Spirit distinct in scripture is that it is accompanied by the physical evidence or the ability to pray in a heavenly prayer language (as the Bible calls it – “speaking in tongues”)(e). We believe that it is at this moment a believer is fully empowered to carryout the mission set before them in spreading the Gospel message. Not that an individual is not empowered already because, remember, the Holy Spirit is already living within the heart of the believer (guiding, teaching, growing them, etc). To be clear, then, the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not an instance where someone is getting “more of the Holy Spirit,” because the Holy Spirit is already within that believing person. So, it’s not that you are “getting more of the Holy Spirit,” instead it is the Holy Spirit “getting more of you.”

In this place of full surrender to the Holy Spirit within us , Christians then become candidates for use in the “gifts of the Spirit” as defined by scripture for serving the mission of God (f). Moreover, every Spirit Filled Christian is also given the “Fruits of the Spirit,” which simply means they begin to fully embody the the Character of Christ (h). As Christians, we seek to live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit daily and seek for such daily as well (i).

(a) Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14, Acts 5:3-4

(b) Jn 14:16-17

(c) Rom 8:9-11, Gal 5:22-23

(d) Jn 14:26, Rom 8:26

(e) Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6, 1st Cor 12 7-11, 1st Cor 12:28-30, 1st Cor 14:1-5, 1st Cor 14:18-19

(e) Gal 5:25

(f) Rom 12, 1st Cor 12, Eph 4.

(h) Gal 5:22-23

(i) Eph 5:18

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it was written to be applicable for us today as well for those in the past. As Paul said, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (a). Therefore, we are a Bible believing and Bible teaching Church! We hold firm that this book contains the answers to all life’s questions either directly or indirectly because this written Word is a reflection of the “Living Word” (Jesus) who is our answer for all things (b). So, in pursuit of the One we call Lord, we believe that the path to follow is found in obedience to the teachings within God’s Word (Bible)(c). It is applicable, alive, active, it is the very Word of God.

(a) 2 Tim 3:16

(b) Matt 4:4, Jn 1:1-2, Joshua 1:8

(c) James 1:22

(d) Heb 4:12, Isaiah 55:11, 2nd Peter 1:20-21

The New Birth (Salvation)

We believe in the “born-again” experience, otherwise known as “Salvation” or the “New Birth.” However, to talk about this, we need to understand where we are in relation to God because of sin. Please click this link to read about “sin” on another page of our site and it will make the “salvation” experience make much more sense. (Click Here!)

After the original sin of Adam and Eve that separated them from God and brought “spiritual death” upon themselves, God did something unexpected. In an act that foreshadowed His ultimate plan for redemption, He killed a perfect animal in the Garden of Eden, used it’s skin to create coverings for them and counted the blood of that substitute as payment for man’s sin (b). See, Without the shedding of blood, there could be no forgiveness for sin (c). So, without some form of physical death by proxy, Mankind would be eternally separated from God (d). For this reason, Jesus willingly came to be OUR sacrifice and bridge the gap that WE created when He shed His blood on the cross. In a great act of mercy and love Jesus became our payment for sin and it is written that “Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (e). See, God counts the blood of His Son as sufficient payment for the debt we owe. Therefore, When we trust in Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, God closes the gap that was between us and Him, all thanks to Jesus (f). This is what we call Salvation, it is the placing of your trust in Jesus as the “Lord” and “Savior” of your life. In doing this, you are moving from a place of spiritual death to spiritual life (connected to God) and you become “Born Again” in the spirit.

Let it be known, then, that separation from God does not have to define your relationship with Him. This is the Good News of Jesus, He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you so much that He paid the ultimate price for it. No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, He loves you and wants you to know Him the way He already knows you. So if you wish to know God, know more about this, or walk through this experience please click the following link to learn more (Know God).

(a) Heb 9:22

(b) Gen 3:21

(c) Rom 6:23

(d) Isaiah 59:1-2

(e) John 3:16, John 3:17–18

(f) 2 Cor 5:21; Col 2:13–15


True and authentic worship of God is a central requirement in the life of Christians. This involves worshiping in spirit and truth, in full surrender of ourselves to God, expressing gratitude and praise, and above all approaching Him with reverence and awe (a). This can be accomplished through a song you sing, or perhaps just the way you live, or how you treat others, and so much more! Think of it like this, worship is less like task you can accomplish and more like a marker for the life of a believer. Looking at your life, does it look like one that is trying to worship God? That is the question. We believe that our lives should be lived as if they are constantly acknowledging Him as the Creator and Lord, and exalting His name from a place of awe and reverence (b). This kind of worship draws us closer to God, deepens our relationship with Him, and aligns our lives with His purposes. It is a vital aspect of the Christian walk and an expression of our love and devotion to the Almighty God.

(a) John 4:23-24, Rom 12:1, Col 3:16-17, Hebrews 12:28

(b) Psalm 95:6, Psalm 99:5, Hebrews 12:28


In this section we could simply state that “we believe in healing!” While that is true, it is much deeper than that. We don’t place our trust in the physical manifestation of healing, we place our trust in the One who is called the Healer (Jehovah Rapha)(a). In addition to our Salvation, we believe that physical, mental, and/or spiritual healing is available to those that believe in Jesus today because of what He did on the cross (b). It was evident when Jesus walked this earth that the power/authority to heal anything was His (c). He healed various sicknesses during His three year ministry and even brought several individuals back to life. Beyond this, though, Jesus made it clear that anyone who believes in and follows Him would also have power and authority over such things through His name (d). So, we believe that healing of any kind is available to us today from God, made available through Jesus, and executed by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within those that believe.

(a) Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:2-3

(b) Isaiah 53:5, 1st Peter 1:24

(c) Matt 28:18-20

(d) Mark 16:17-18

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Our Denomination
Our Denomination

New Life is a Member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC).
